SPAX Schrauben und Dübel auf Holzwerkbank


Whatever your project or application, SPAX has the perfect solution. From universal screws through wood construction screws and concrete screws, all the way to wood connectors and countless extras. A range of your calibre.

Our screw range

Our highlights

Wood connectors

Whether wood to wood, wood to steel or wood to concrete, the comprehensive specialist range of wood connectors by SPAX offers the perfect solution for every connection.

Wood construction calculation software

The sturdiest foundations? A good plan. The SPAX wood construction calculation software means you can plan your entire project in advance. For smooth installation without any nasty surprises.

SPAX Sortiment Highlight Betonschrauben

Concrete screws

In the thickest block, the hardest floor, the SPAX concrete screw enables fast, secure and cost-effective fastening even in solid concrete.  


SPAX Highlights Sortiment Holzbau Schrauben

Wood construction screws

Anything else is deadwood: SPAX is the preferred screw in the timber construction industry. With the highest recommendation rate among users.


Ready for every project


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